Změnit instituci

Seznam dostupného vybavení


Equipment Research group / CF Profile card
Reference vibration exciter with accessories Cybernetics in Material Science - Pavel Václavek
Refrigerated bench-top microcentrifuge with rotor F 45-24-11 and F-45-36-8 Plant Stress Signalling and Adaption - Vanesa Beatriz Tognetti
Refrigerated centrifuge Structural Virology - Pavel Plevka
Refrigerated centrifuge RNA based regulation of Gene Expression - Peter Lukavsky
Refrigerated centrifuge RNA based regulation of Gene Expression - Peter Lukavsky
Refrigerated centrifuge RNA based regulation of Gene Expression - Peter Lukavsky
Refrigerated centrifuge RNA based regulation of Gene Expression - Peter Lukavsky
Refrigerated centrifuge RNA based regulation of Gene Expression - Peter Lukavsky
Refrigerated centrifuge RNA based regulation of Gene Expression - Peter Lukavsky
Refrigerated centrifuge RNA based regulation of Gene Expression - Peter Lukavsky
Refrigerated laboratory incubator
Refrigerator box -80°C
Regular GPC Advanced Polymers and Composites - Josef Jančář
Research fluorescent microscope system
Routine CLSM system Developmental and Cell Biology of Plants - Tomasz Nodzynski
Sample incubation equipment Plant Cytogenomics - Martin Lysák
SAXS (small-angle X-ray scattering) Advanced Polymers and Composites - Josef Jančář
Scanning electrochemical microscope Smart Nanodevices - Jaromír Hubálek
SEM/FIB microscope FEI Versa3D equipped with a Quorum cryo stage and transfer station SEM/FIB microscope FEI Versa3D equipped with a Quorum cryo stage and transfer station
CF: Core Facility Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Tomography
Set of acoustic sensors Cybernetics in Material Science - Pavel Václavek
« předchozí 1 8 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 28 další »


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