Změnit instituci

Seznam dostupného vybavení


Equipment Research group / CF Profile card
PCR cycler
PCR cycler Genome Dynamics
PCR machine
PCR machine Developmental and Cell Biology of Plants - Tomasz Nodzynski
PCR thermocycler Plant Cytogenomics - Martin Lysák
Phytotron with closed cultivation banks and fluorescent lights (A2) Phytotron with closed cultivation banks and fluorescent lights (A2)
CF: Plant Sciences Core Facility
Phytotron with closed cultivation banks and LEDs Phytotron with closed cultivation banks and LEDs
CF: Plant Sciences Core Facility
Phytotrons Phytotrons
CF: Plant Sciences Core Facility
Portable 2D X-ray detector Materials Characterization and Advanced Coatings - Jozef Kaiser
Portable gas Exchange fluorescence system Plant Stress Signalling and Adaption - Vanesa Beatriz Tognetti
Potenciostat/FRA/VAStand/ECD/ADC Structure and Interaction of Biomolecules at Surfaces - Miroslav Fojta
PQ SPT64 FLIM+FCS dongle
Precise spatial measurement system Cybernetics in Material Science - Pavel Václavek
Precision capacitance automatic bridge Advanced Ceramic Materials - Martin Trunec
Precision saw Accutom 100 CF: CEITEC Nano
Preparative system Smart Nanodevices - Jaromír Hubálek
Přístroj 3
Progammable incubator 100L
Progammable incubator 100L Molecular Microbiology - Alois Čížek
« předchozí 1 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 další »


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Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Seminar Series 2018: Dr Andriy Marko

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