Změnit instituci

Seznam dostupného vybavení


Equipment Research group / CF Profile card
Metallographic saw Labotom 5 CF: CEITEC Nano
Metrology SPM Development of Methods for Analysis and Measuring - Petr Klapetek
Microdialysis pump Smart Nanodevices - Jaromír Hubálek
Microinjection Minipump
Micropipette puller
Micropore analyzer Advanced Ceramic Materials - Martin Trunec
Microtomography station Development of Methods for Analysis and Measuring - Petr Klapetek
Milling devices Advanced Ceramic Materials - Martin Trunec
Mixer for the preparation of the material Advanced Polymers and Composites - Josef Jančář
Mobile calibration anechoic chamber Cybernetics in Material Science - Pavel Václavek
Modular liquid chromatograph
Modulated DSC Advanced Polymers and Composites - Josef Jančář
Mounting press Citopress 10 CF: CEITEC Nano
MR compatible EEG/polygraphic system supports a variety of electrophysiological measurements (EEG, ECG, respiration, skin resistance, EMG, etc.) MR compatible EEG/polygraphic system supports a variety of electrophysiological measurements (EEG, ECG, respiration, skin resistance, EMG, etc.)
CF: Multimodal and Functional Imaging Laboratory
MR compatible polygraphic system supports a variety of electrophysiological measurements (ECG, respiration, skin resistance, EMG, etc.) MR compatible polygraphic system supports a variety of electrophysiological measurements (ECG, respiration, skin resistance, EMG, etc.)
CF: Multimodal and Functional Imaging Laboratory
MR compatible stimulation system MR compatible stimulation system
CF: Multimodal and Functional Imaging Laboratory
Multi-channel equipment for data storage and analysis Advanced Ceramic Materials - Martin Trunec
Multi-channel potentiostat, impedance spectroscopy, conductometry, especially performed at extreme-low frequencies Advanced Ceramic Materials - Martin Trunec
Multifunctional monochromate reader with washing system
« předchozí 1 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 28 další »


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