Změnit instituci

Modular liquid chromatograph

Name: Modular liquid chromatograph
Instrument description: Modular liquid chromatograph designed to gain a rapid separation time, high resolution and sensitivity. System using high pressures and flow-rates to achieve maximum chromatographic efficiency. The minimization of dead volume of the whole system (10μl) and the usage of Jet Weaver mixer enabling immediate gradient change during 0,1 min and thus very short times of metabolites separations, under 1 minute. The diode array detector using a system of Max-Light cartridge flow cells with ultra-high sensitivity. Column thermoregulator that uses a Peltier system in the temperature range from 4°C to 100°C. Using high temperatures in so called "hot mobile phase separation" enables extreme separations taking only tens of seconds. Cooled autosampler operating in the temperature range from 4°C to 40°C. Separations of thermally unstable precursors of metabolic pathways, important for the metabolomics studies, are enabled especially by the application of low temperatures.

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00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
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