SEM/FIB microscope FEI Versa3D equipped with a Quorum cryo stage and transfer station
SEM/FIB microscope FEI Versa3D equipped with a Quorum cryo stage and transfer station
Quantifoil Cu 300-mesh R2/1, Quantifoil Cu 200-mesh R2/1, Quantifoil Au 200-mesh R2/1, C-flat Cu 200-mesh R2/1, C-flat Cu 400-mesh R2/1, Krios autogrid
CEITEC Masarykova univerzita
Instrument description:
Dual beam SEM/FIB electron microscope (FEG and gallium ions) equipped with detectors for secondary (SE) and back-scattered (BSE, DBS) electrons and for ions (ICE). Additionally, the microscope is equipped with a Quorum cryo-station for vitrification of biological samples and with a cryo-stage for transfer of vitrified samples and TEM autogrids into the microscope at cryogenic temperatures. Platinum coating of specimen is available both in the cryo-stage and in the microscope.
Research group:
CF: Core Facility Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Tomography