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26. 2. 2014

Night of Better coopEration in sciEntific Research vol. VI

Night of Better coopEration in sciEntific Research vol. VI

Another Night of Better coopEration in sciEntific Research is approaching!

WHEN: February 26, from 18:00
WHERE: Café Trojka, Dominikánská street 9, Brno

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20. 2. 2014

Structural Biology Seminar Series: Molecular mechanisms in outer membrane protein biogenesis

Structural Biology Seminar Series: Molecular mechanisms in outer membrane protein biogenesis

You are cordially invited to the lecture "Molecular mechanisms in outer membrane protein biogenesis" delivered by Sebastian Hiller, Biozentrum, University od Basel, Switzerland

WHEN: Thursday, February 20, from 14:00
WHERE: seminar room 1.32, building A11, University Campus Bohunice, Brno

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16. 2. 2014

Lectures: Advanced Fluorescent Microscopy Techniques: I believe what I see

Lectures: Advanced Fluorescent Microscopy Techniques: I believe what I see

You are cordially invited to the upcoming lectures and workshop organized by Life B - Laboratory of interaction and function of essential biomolecules. The workshop will be dedicated to modern microscopic techniques used for the study of biomolecular interactions and functions. The program will consist of one day of lectures given by outstanding and internationally recognized speakers.

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17. 1. 2014

SYLICA Lecture: PDBe - Bringing Structure to Biology

SYLICA Lecture: PDBe - Bringing Structure to Biology

You are cordially invited to the lecture PDBe - Bringing Structure to Biology, delivered by Prof. Gerard J. Kleywegt, Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe), EMBL-EBI

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19. 12. 2013

Structural Biology Seminar Series: Cell-cell fusion events in multicellular organisms and relations with enveloped viruses

Structural Biology Seminar Series: Cell-cell fusion events in multicellular organisms and relations with enveloped viruses

You are cordially invited to the CEITEC Structural Biology Seminar Series organized by the Structural Biology Research Programme Coordinator, Prof. Vladimír Sklenář.

The next lecture Cell-cell fusion events in multicellular organisms and relations with enveloped viruses will be delivered by Prof. Félix A. Rey, Institut Pasteur / CNRS, Paris, France.


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10. 12. 2013

CEITEC Christmas Workshop 2013

CEITEC Christmas Workshop 2013

          We are delighted to invite you to the internal CEITEC Christmas Workshop 2013! WHEN: Tuesday, December 10, from 17:00 WHERE: Brno Observatory and Planetarium, Kraví hora 2 Among others, this time you…

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4. 12. 2013

SYLICA Lecture: Biomolecular Diagnostics - Optical or by Electronics?

SYLICA Lecture: Biomolecular Diagnostics - Optical or by Electronics?

You are cordially invited to the lecture "Biomolecular Diagnostics – Optical or by Electronics?" delivered by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang KnollAIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria.

WHEN: December 4, 2013, from 14:00
WHERE: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Room P5, Technická 2, Brno

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28. 11. 2013

SYLICA lectures "Probing Hybridization with Label- and Marker-free Voltammetric DNA Detector" & "Integrated multisensing electrochemical arrays"

SYLICA lectures "Probing Hybridization with Label- and Marker-free Voltammetric DNA Detector" & "Integrated multisensing electrochemical arrays"

Central European Institute of Technology, Masaryk University & Institute of Biophysics AS CR, v.v.i. would like to cordially invite you to two SYLICA lectures. The lecture entitled "Probing Hybridization with Label- and Marker-free Voltammetric DNA Detector" will be delivered by Mira Josowicz, the second lecture entitled "Integrated multisensing electrochemical arrays" will be delivered by Jiří Janata, both from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.
WHEN: November 28, 2013, from 11:00 and 14:00
WHERE: Institute of Biophysics, lecture hall, Královopolská 135, Brno

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27. 11. 2013

European Research Council (ERC) Information Day

European Research Council (ERC) Information Day

CEITEC, Masaryk University, Regional Contact Point South Moravia ERA and Technology Centre ASCR invite you to the European Research Council (ERC) Information Day.

WHEN: November 27, 2013
WHERE: INBIT – Biotechnology centre, Kamenice 34, Brno

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26. 11. 2013

Elixir Project Introduction

Elixir Project Introduction

We would like to invite you to the lectures on Introduction of Elixir Project.

WHEN: November 26, 2013, from 9:00
WHERE: INBIT – Biotechnology centre, 
Room 111, Kamenice 34, Brno

Event programme and registration can be found HERE

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