Změnit instituci

Principal Investigator Seminar Series

Principal Investigator Seminar Series

You are invited to PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR SEMINAR SERIES. The goal of the series is to increase communication and internal collaborations within MU as well as be a showcase for the research that is being performed. A seminar series like this is not currently common within the Czech Republic however by having it we are adopting a standard of practice that is routine in all good scientific institutes. Also the opportunity to present our research and receive feedback from colleagues is essential to become more internationally competitive. It will be a seminar for 50 minutes plus 10 for questions.

Programme for Autumn 2017 is available HERE.

WHEN : Friday at 13:00 during the semester
WHERE : Room A11/205 and it will commence on February 24, 2017.

PI committee members:

In addition, Research Project Officers from the Rectory and CEITEC MU will attend these seminars so that they will become aware of the current research being performed at MU. As these Research Project Officers are familiar with Horizon 2020 projects, it is the goal that they will direct researchers to funding opportunities.

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