You are invited to the CEITEC Seminar Series aimed at Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Seminar Series. The main goal of this series is to directly convey the knowledge on the-state-of-the-art achievements and directions in this field to researchers via talks of top-scientists from renowned institutions worldwide. This should raise awareness of the latest trends and promote cooperation among scientists from all relevant CEITEC institutions leading to excellent research. Each seminar will last for 50 minutes plus 10 minutes devoted to questions.
29. ledna 2018 9:46
LECTURE: Dr. Ondrej Hovorka: Models of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications MONDAY, 5. 2. 2018 Seminar room C2.11, from …
25. ledna 2018 18:21
WHEN: 30. 01. 2018 WHERE: CEITEC BUT, Purkynova 123, large meeting room SPEAKER: Dr Andriy Marko TALK: Advances in PELDOR…