Změnit instituci

Seznam dostupného vybavení


Equipment Research group / CF Profile card
Combination system INS/GNSS Cybernetics in Material Science - Pavel Václavek
Combined AFM / inverted optical microscope CF: Core Facility Nanobiotechnology
Combined cuvette/cuvette-less spectrophotometer
Combustion furnace with catalyzator Smart Nanodevices - Jaromír Hubálek
Complete module for laboratory rodents including safety box Zoonoses - Břetislav Koudela
Computer cluster for molecular modelling Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids - Jiří Šponer
Computer cluster for quantum chemistry Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids - Jiří Šponer
Computer cluster for simulations of large biomolecular systems Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids - Jiří Šponer
Computer equipment for laboratory of a researcher Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids - Jiří Šponer
Computer equipment for laboratory of a researcher Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids - Jiří Šponer
Computer equipment for laboratory of a researcher Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids - Jiří Šponer
Computer equipment for laboratory of a researcher Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids - Jiří Šponer
Computer equipment for laboratory of a researcher Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids - Jiří Šponer
Confocal laser microscope Advanced Polymers and Composites - Josef Jančář
Confocal laser scanning microscope Developmental and Production Biology – Omics Approaches - Břetislav Brzobohatý
Confocal microscope
Confocal microscope for CLSM applications Functional Genomics and Proteomics of Plants - Jan Hejátko
Confocal microscope Nikon A1R Experimental Biophotonics - Radim Chmelík
Confocal microscope with accessories Development of Methods for Analysis and Measuring - Petr Klapetek
Cooled centrifuge Molecular Microbiology - Alois Čížek
« předchozí 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 21 28 další »


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Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Seminar Series 2018: Dr Andriy Marko

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