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22. 7. 2018

ICN+T Brno 2018

The 2018 International Conference on Nanoscience + Technology (ICN+T) will provide an international forum for discussion of the latest developments in nanoscale science and technology and relevant instrumentation and methodologies. The ICN+T 2018 to be held in Brno, Czech Republic in 22 – 27 July 2018!


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2. 5. 2018

4th International Congress on Brain and Mind

4th International Congress on Brain and Mind

WHEN: May 2 to 5, 2018
WHERE: Brno, Czech Republic

More information HERE.

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5. 4. 2018

Scientific careers outside academia: EuroSTEMPeers 2018

Scientific careers outside academia: EuroSTEMPeers 2018

KDY: 5. dubna 2018

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29. 3. 2018

Lecture: Silencing miRNA in epilepsy treatment

WHEN: March 29, at 16:00
WHERE: room 132, building A11, University Campus Bohunice
SPEAKER: David Henshall, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

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15. 3. 2018

Industry-Academia Workshop

Industry-Academia Workshop

Zveme Vás na Industry-Academia Workshop, který se uskuteční v rámci projektové výzvy Back4Future Horizon 2020 TEAMING

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2. 3. 2018

Skiing in Stuhleck (internal)

Skiing in Stuhleck (internal)

              Drazí kolegové, zveme vás na tradiční  CEITEC SKIENCE trip KDY: 2. března, 2018 (datum bylo přeloženo kvůli školním prázdninám) KDE: Stuhleck, Austria CENA : Předpokládaná cena…

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20. 2. 2018

RGL Retreat

KDY: 20.–21. února 2018

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19. 2. 2018

Meeting with Václav Matoušek

Meeting with Václav Matoušek

WHEN: February 19, 2017 at 15:00
WHERE: 1S102, building A35, CEITEC MU, University Campus

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15. 2. 2018

Lecture: Tuning the Membrane Elasticity by the Ionic Strength of Surrounding MediaModeling approach to brain dynamics and stimulation of large-scale brain networks

Lecture: Tuning the Membrane Elasticity by the Ionic Strength of Surrounding MediaModeling approach to brain dynamics and stimulation of large-scale brain networks

SPEAKER: Andreas Spiegler, Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes, Aix-Marseille Université
WHEN: February 15, 2018, at 15:00
WHERE: room 211, building A35, University Campus Bohunice

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14. 2. 2018

Holographic and Tomographic Label Free Microscopy Workshop

Holographic and Tomographic Label Free Microscopy Workshop

KDY: 14.–15. února 2018
KDE: CELLIM Lab A2 a A3  místnost117, Univerzitní kampus Bohunice


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