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INNO INFRA SHARE Interreg Europe

Programme: Interreg Europe (ETC)

Axis 1: Research and Innovation

Submitted: April 2016

Approved: October 2016

Phase 1 2017 - 2018

Phase 2 2019 - 2020

Total budget: 1,6 m €



The goal of INNO INFRA SHARE (Sharing Strategies for European Research and Innovation Infrastructures) project is to improve the accessibility and the exploitation of local Research and Innovation infrastructure (RII) assets by SMEs.

RIIs have the potential to serve as enablers of competitiveness and growth for local SMEs and foreign users, especially in the areas of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs). To unleash this potential, project partners will jointly work towards adding a market-driven dimension to the research and technological one, by networking and promoting collaboration opportunities at the regional and international level and by addressing national and regional RII relevant policy instruments.



Improve the accessibility and the exploitation of local Research and Innovation infrastructure (RII) assets by SMEs

Partners will jointly work to:

Adding a market-driven dimension to the research and technological one
networking and promoting collaboration opportunities at regional and international level
addressing national and regional RII relevant policy instruments (→ Action Plan)



  • SMEs in partner regions will benefit from a better access to RIIs and an increased collaboration with research organizations to improve their innovation performance.
  • A more precise and detailed picture of local RII ecosystems will be available for regional and national policymakers and SMEs.
  • National and regional policies addressing RII will be improved thanks to the contributions provided by the Action Plans.
  • Partners will gain an opportunity to benchmark their RII ecosystems with other EU hubs of RII excellence.



The partnership covers 8 European regions from Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic and Sweden, all of them with common RIS3 smart specialization priorities.

Partners will undertake a joint learning and collaboration process, involving regional and national stakeholders, that will contribute to the design and implementation of 8 Action plans in their respective territories to improve policy instruments that will positively affect RII and improve their accessibility by SMEs.

8 areas with similar RIS3 priorities and ERDF policy instruments

  • ASTER (IT)  - management & coordination
  • Brainport Development (NL) - support in analysis of local contexts
  • Vidzeme Planning Region (LV) - communication
  • Tartu City Government (EE) - support in Action Plans drafting
  • Flanders Make (BE)
  • Region Skane (SE)
  • Brno University of Technology (CZ)
  • Chemnitz University of Technology (DE)


Suported by European Union, European Regional Development Fund



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