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Workshops "Nanoindentation" and AFM - September 2017

When: 11.–15.9.2017
Where: CEITEC Nano RI, Purkyňova 123, Bulding C, Meeting room - C2.11

  • Registration fee: 1.000 CZK (Workshop 1. - Nanoindentation), 1.000 CZK (Workshops 2.&3.)
  • Registration to workshops is compulsory - send registration via email to

workshop nano

Program of workshops:

Workshop 1. „Nanoindentation“

Monday 11th Sept 2017

  • 9.00–9.45 Introduction to Nanoindentation, principle of Nanoindentor, Introduction of Bruker instruments Bruker – Nanoindentation (previously Hysitron)
  • 9.45–10.45 Latest news from quasi-static nanoindentation and "scanning" nanoindentation (SPM+), fast mapping of hardnesses and modules (XPM - demonstration by remote access to demo lab)
  • Coffee break
  • 11.00–12.00 Introduction to nanometric dynamic mechanical analysis (nanoDMA), depth profiles of mechanical properties, measurement of long-term ...
  • Lunch
  • 13.30–16.30 Live demonstration of "scanning" nanoindentation and nanoDMA using Hysitron TriboIndenter TI 950 in CEITEC Nano laboratories

Tuesday 12th Sept 2017

  • 9.00–10.00 Latest news from High-and low-temperature nanoindentations (-100 ° C to 1000 ° C), xSOL thermal cell, measuring at controlled humidity
  • 10.00–10.45 Hybrid Techniques: Raman, Fluorescence, Electrical Features (nanoECR)
  • Coffee break
  • 11.00–12.00 In situ nanomechanical testing in SEM and TEM - Hysitron PicoIndenter, applications and latest news
  • Lunch
  • 13.30–16.30 Live demonstrations of indentations at elevated temperatures using the xSOL temperature cell at CEITEC Nano laboratories

Workshop 2. „Electrical properties of nanoscale materials“

Wednesday 13th Sept 2017

  • PF sNIM and SCM
  • KPFM
  • electrochemical AFM
  • Demonstration on Dimension ICON

Workshop 3. „Fundamentals of Working with AFM“

Thursday 14th Sept 2017

  • Historie AFM
  • Principle of AFM instruments (piezo, probes,…)
  • Constant mode (explaining the feedback)
  • Tapping mode
  • Demonstrations on Dimension Icon and MultiMode (on BFU)

Friday 15th Sept 2017

  • Force curves
  • Peakforce + scanasyst
  • Mechanical properties in nanoscale
  • Demostration on Dimension Icon a MultiMode (on BFU)
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