Změnit instituci

Workshop: Measurement, processiong and analysis of neuroimaging and electrophysiological data

Workshop: Measurement, processiong and analysis of neuroimaging and electrophysiological data

WHEN: 11. - 12. 2015
WHERE: CEITEC building A35, entrance from Studentska street, Brno

The workshop is focused on master‘s and doctor‘s degree students and also researchers in the field of fMRI regardless of primary background. However, any basic knowledge about a functional brain mapping will be convenient.

Workshop will cover these topics (complete programme to download HERE) :

  • Preparation of experiments and measurements
  • Basic fMRI data processing
  • Physiological artefact suppression in fMRI data with/without usage of physiological recordings
  • Mapping and suppression of movement artefacts in fMRI data
  • Examples of possible issues during preprocessing or statistical analysis of fMRI data
  • Functional and effective brain connectivity
  • Morphometric methods
  • Diffusion imaging
  • Basic EEG processing and analysis
  • Advanced EEG processing and analysis
  • Simultaneous measurement of physiological signals (EEG, ECG, breathing,…) and fMRI, practical aspects, processing of electrophysiological data for usage in the consequent fMRI analysis

Registration fee - members of HuBraM and CEITEC

Registration fee - others
Bachelor and masters students 200 CZK 250 CZK
Doctoral (PhD) students 250 CZK 300 CZK
Other 300 CZK

400 CZK

Any news and detailed program will be announced soon at and

To make a reservation and ask for details, contact Michaela Vanharova at


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