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Workshop: Career Paths Leading to Successful ERC Application

Workshop: Career Paths Leading to Successful ERC Application

You are cordially invited to the workshop Career Paths Leading to Successful ERC Application delivered by Lotte Jaspers from Yellow Research. The workshop is intended mainly to researchers at the beginning of their career who would like to apply in the near future for individual research grants such as ERC or Marie Skłodowska-Curie.

WHEN: November 20, 2014 from 14:00
WHERE: INBIT – Biotechnology centre, Kamenice 34, Brno

Lotte Jaspers has extensive experience with individual grant applications for Marie Curie fellowships as well as within the framework of the prestigious ERC grants. She has been running workshops on individual grants at numerous universities as well as assisted in the pre-submission review of ERC Starting, Consolidator and Advanced grants. Her knowledge and experience in pre-submission review of individual grants is an important aspect of the success of her training.


The registration has been closed. Should you have any questions, please contact Roman Badík (

If you are interested in applying for the ERC grant in the 2015 calls, you can also register to the worshop „How to write a competitive proposal“ which is organized by Technology Centre ASCR. More information HERE (Czech only).


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