Změnit instituci

Winter School on Structural Cell Biology

Winter School on Structural Cell Biology

WHEN: February 9 -13, 2015
WHERE: University Campus Bohunice
Course Code: C9532i


Confirmed speakers:

  • Gerard Kleywegt (EMBL-EBI, UK)
    PDBe - Bringing Structure to Biology (archival, integration and validation of molecular and cellular structure data)
  • Jose-Maria Carazo (National Center for Biotechnology (CNB), Spain)
    1. Single Particle Analysis (SPA): The basics
    2. Image processing workflows for SPA
  • Julio Ortiz (Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Germany)
    1. General introduction to three-dimensional cryo microscopy
    2. Image processing workflows for tomography
  • Sacha de Carlo (NeCEN, Netherlands)
    1. Sample preparation and vitrification
    2. New EM technologies
  • Richard Bowater (University of East Anglia, UK)
    1. Structure and function of nucleic acids
    2. Protein-nucleic acid interactions
  • Bernd Simon (EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany)
    Combining Small Angle Scattering and NMR to determine the structure of complexes
  • Michael Sattler (Technische Universität München & Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany)
    Combining NMR and SAS to study protein complexes in solution
  • Stephan Grzesiek (Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland)
    Insights into protein folding, dynamics and function from residual dipolar couplings, hydrogen bond scalar couplings and other NMR parameters
  • Laura Bowater (University of East Anglia, UK)
    1. Science Communication: past, present and future?
    2. Science Communication: what does it mean for you?
  • Martyn Winn (Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK)
    1. De novo protein modelling and its use in interpreting experimental structural data
    2. Volume data from cryoEM and crystallography: fitting and building atomic models and matching against other volume data
Course is preferably for master and PhD students and the student’s field of study will be taken into account during the selection process.
The event has been supported by the EU Seventh Framework Programme under the "Capacities" specific programme (Contract No. 286154 - SYLICA)
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