Změnit instituci

Zahra Badri, PhD.

odborná pracovnice ve výzkumu - postdoc
Email: ,
Výzkumná skupina: Struktura biosystémů a molekulárních materiálů - Radek Marek


  • BADRI, Z; FOROUTAN-NEJAD, C, 2016:Unification of ground-state aromaticity criteria - structure, electron delocalization, and energy - in light of the quantum chemical topology. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 18 (17), p. 11693 - 11699.


  • BADRI, Z; BOUZKOVA, K; FOROUTAN-NEJAD, C; MAREK, R, 2014:Origin of the Thermodynamic Stability of the Polymorph IV of Crystalline Barbituric Acid: Evidence from Solid-State NMR and Electron Density Analyses. CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 14 (6), p. 2763 - 2772.


  • BADRI, Z; FOROUTAN-NEJAD, C; RASHIDI-RANJBAR, P, 2013:A theoretical survey on the D-7d [84]fullerene, a fullerene with two heptagon rings. COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY 1009 , p. 103 - 107.
  • BADRI, Z; PATHAK, S; FLIEGL, H; RASHIDI-RANJBAR, P; BAST, R; MAREK, R; FOROUTAN-NEJAD, C; RUUD, K, 2013:All-Metal Aromaticity: Revisiting the Ring Current Model among Transition Metal Clusters. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION 9 (11), p. 4789 - 4796.
Pracoviště 1:
Masarykova univerzita - CEITEC MU
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