Změnit instituci

Mgr. Adam Obrusník

PhD student
Telefon: +420 54949 2574
Výzkumná skupina: Plazmové technologie - Lenka Zajíčková


  • MANAKHOV, A; KEDRONOVA, E; MEDALOVA, J; CERNOCHOVA, P; OBRUSNIK, A; MICHLICEK, M; SHTANSKY, DV; ZAJICKOVA, L, 2017:Carboxyl-anhydride and amine plasma coating of PCL nanofibers to improve their bioactivity. MATERIALS & DESIGN 132 , p. 257 - 265.


  • SYNEK, P; OBRUSNIK, A; HUBNER, S; NIJDAM, S; ZAJICKOVA, L, 2015:On the interplay of gas dynamics and the electromagnetic field in an atmospheric Ar/H-2 microwave plasma torch. PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 24 (2)


  • VORAC, J; OBRUSNIK, A; PROCHAZKA, V; DVORAK, P; TALABA, M, 2014:Spatially resolved measurement of hydroxyl radical (OH) concentration in an argon RF plasma jet by planar laser-induced fluorescence. PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 23 (2)
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