Změnit instituci

Mgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D.

Junior researcher
Email: ,
Výzkumná skupina: Pokročilé kovové materiály a kompozity na bázi kovů


  • FRIAK, M; VSIANSKA, M; HOLEC, D; ZELENY, M; SOB, M, 2017:Tensorial elastic properties and stability of interface states associated with Sigma 5(210) grain boundaries in Ni-3(Al,Si). SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS 18 (1), p. 273 - 282.
  • SCHNEEWEISS, O; FRIAK, M; DUDOVA, M; HOLEC, D; SOB, M; KRIEGNER, D; HOLY, V; BERAN, P; GEORGE, EP; NEUGEBAUER, J; DLOUHY, A, 2017:Magnetic properties of the CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 96 (1)


  • FABRITIUS, HO; ZIEGLER, A; FRIAK, M; NIKOLOV, S; HUBER, J; SEIDL, BHM; RUANGCHAI, S; ALAGBOSO, FI; KARSTEN, S; LU, J; JANUS, AM; PETROV, M; ZHU, LF; HEMZALOVA, P; HILD, S; RAABE, D; NEUGEBAUER, J, 2016:Functional adaptation of crustacean exoskeletal elements through structural and compositional diversity: a combined experimental and theoretical study. BIOINSPIRATION & BIOMIMETICS 11 (5)
  • HUTER, C; FRIAK, M; WEIKAMP, M; NEUGEBAUER, J; GOLDENFELD, N; SVENDSEN, B; SPATSCHEK, R, 2016:Nonlinear elastic effects in phase field crystal and amplitude equations: Comparison to ab initio simulations of bcc metals and graphene. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 93 (21)
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