Změnit instituci

Miguel Salazar Adams, M.Sc.

odborný pracovník - PhD student
Telefon: +420 54949 8006
Výzkumná skupina: Behaviorální a sociální neurovědy - Milan Brázdil


Graduated Bc in Psychology from the University of the Américas Puebla, Mexico, and MSc in Cognitive and Behavioral Neurosciences from the university of Groningen, Netherlands. Currently working through the PhD program at the Masaryk university as a part of the Hyperscanning subgroup of BESON.

Research interests:

I’m most interested in social interaction and what is it that makes complex phenomena, such as mutual understanding in conversation, seem so effortless for healthy individuals.

Ongoing Research:

My focus is to develop new tasks that resemble natural interactions, and the methods to identify whether social cognition relies on certain specialized brain areas and processes, or if it is an emergent property of more general cognitive capabilities and structures.  At the moment I'm working on experiments that require pairs of participants to coordinate their efforts in language, economic, and bargaining tasks.

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