Změnit instituci

Anna Papageorgiou, MSc

odborná pracovnice - PhD student
Telefon: +420 54949 7834
Výzkumná skupina: Interakce proteiny-DNA - Konstantinos Tripsianes


  • SUPEKAR, S; PAPAGEORGIOU, AC; GEMMECKER, G; PELTZER, R; JOHANSSON, MP; TRIPSIANES, K; SATTLER, M;KAILA VRK, 2017:Conformational Selection of Dimethylarginine Recognition by the Survival of Motor Neuron Tudor Domain. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE


  • PAPAGEORGIOU, AC; ADAM, PS; STAVROS, P; NOUNESIS, G; MEIJERS, R; PETRATOS, K; VORGIAS, CE, 2016:HU histone-like DNA-binding protein from Thermus thermophilus: structural and evolutionary analyses. EXTREMOPHILES 20 (5), p. 695 - 709.
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