Změnit instituci

Ing. Jaroslav Kaštyl, Ph.D.

Junior researcher
Email: ,
Telefon: +420 54114 9710, +420 54114 3340
Výzkumná skupina: Pokročilé keramické materiály - Martin Trunec


  • KASTYL, J; CHLUP, Z; CLEMEN, F; TRUNEC, M, 2017:Mechanical properties of zirconia core-shell rods with porous core and dense shell prepared by thermoplastic co-extrusion. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 37 (6), p. 2439 - 2447.


  • KASTYL, J; CHLUP, Z; CLEMENS, F; TRUNEC, M, 2015:Ceramic core-shell composites with modified mechanical properties prepared by thermoplastic co-extrusion. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 35 (10), p. 2873 - 2881.
Pracoviště 1:
Vysoké učení technické v Brně - CEITEC VUT Purkyňova 123, Brno, 612 00, budova A, kancelář A1.26
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