Změnit instituci

Dr. Tanvir Shaikh

manažer pro koordinaci a správu projektů, senior researcher
Telefon: +420 54949 7577
Výzkumná skupina: Struktura a dynamika proteinů - Lukáš Žídek
CF: Centrální laboratoř Kryo-elektronová mikroskopie a tomografie


  • RUBIO-MARRERO, EN; VINCELLI, G; JEFFRIES, CM; SHAIKH, TR; PAKOS, IS; RANAIVOSON, FM; VON DAAKE, S; DEMELER, B; DE JACO, A; PERKINS, G; ELLISMAN, MH; TREWHELLA, J; COMOLETTI, D, 2016:Structural Characterization of the Extracellular Domain of CASPR2 and Insights into Its Association with the Novel Ligand Contactin1. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 291 (11), p. 5788 - 5802.
  • SHASMAL, M; DEY, S; SHAIKH, TR; BHAKTA, S; SENGUPTA, J, 2016:E. coli metabolic protein aldehyde-alcohol dehydrogenase-E binds to the ribosome: a unique moonlighting action revealed. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6
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