Změnit instituci

Mgr. et Mgr. Kristína Czekóová, Ph.D.

odborná pracovnice ve výzkumu
Telefon: +420 54949 4882
Výzkumná skupina: Behaviorální a sociální neurovědy - Milan Brázdil
Researcher ID

Bio: I completed my pre- and post-graduate education in Psychology at Masaryk University. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at CEITEC (MU) and the Institute of Psychology at the Czech Academy of Sciences. Apart from working in research, I have acquired clinical experience at the Department of Neurology, St. Anne’s University Hospital, where I worked as a neuropsychologist.

Research Interests: My research interests lie mainly in the area of individual differences in social cognition, emotion, and decision-making in both healthy and clinical populations. Using self-report, behavioural, psycho- and neurophysiological data, I investigate how various facets of social cognition relate to each other, and evaluate experimental methods used to measure social cognition. In addition to traditional statistical approaches, my research utilises alternative person- and data-centred analytical techniques (e.g., latent class analysis, cluster analysis).


  • SHAW, DJ; CZEKOOVA, K; PORUBANOVA, M, 2017:Orthogonal-compatibility effects confound automatic imitation: implications for measuring self-other distinction. PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH-PSYCHOLOGISCHE FORSCHUNG 81 (6), p. 1152 - 1165.


  • CZEKOOVA, K; SHAW, DJ; URBANEK, T; CHLADEK, J; LAMOS, M; ROMAN, R; BRAZDIL, M, 2016:What's the meaning of this? A behavioral and neurophysiological investigation into the principles behind the classification of visual emotional stimuli. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 53 (8), p. 1203 - 1216.


  • CZEKOOVA, K; SHAW, DJ; JANOUSOVA, E; URBANEK, T, 2015:It's all in the past: temporal-context effects modulate subjective evaluations of emotional visual stimuli, regardless of presentation sequence. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 6


  • URBANEK, T; CZEKOOVÁ, K, 2014:Analysis of textual data in psychology.


  • GESCHEIDT, T; MARECEK, R; MIKL, M; CZEKOOVA, K; URBANEK, T; VANICEK, J; SHAW, DJ; BARES, M, 2013:Functional anatomy of outcome evaluation during Iowa Gambling Task performance in patients with Parkinson's disease: an fMRI study. NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 34 (12), p. 2159 - 2166.
  • SHAW, DJ; CZEKOOVA, K, 2013:Exploring the Development of the Mirror Neuron System: Finding the Right Paradigm. DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 38 (4), p. 256 - 271.
  • SHAW, DJ; CZEKOOVA, K; CHROMEC, J; MARECEK, R; BRAZDIL, M, 2013:Copying You Copying Me: Interpersonal Motor Co-Ordination Influences Automatic Imitation. PLOS ONE 8 (12), p. e84820 - .


  • GESCHEIDT, T; CZEKOOVA, K; URBANEK, T; MARECEK, R; MIKL, M; KUBIKOVA, R; TELECKA, S; ANDRLOVA, H; HUSAROVA, I; BARES, M, 2012:Iowa Gambling Task in patients with early-onset Parkinson's disease: strategy analysis. NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 33 (6), p. 1329 - 1335.

Bio: I completed my pre- and post-graduate education in Psychology at Masaryk University. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at CEITEC (MU) and the Institute of Psychology at the Czech Academy of Sciences. Apart from working in research, I have acquired clinical experience at the Department of Neurology, St. Anne’s University Hospital, where I worked as a neuropsychologist.

Research Interests: My research interests lie mainly in the area of individual differences in social cognition, emotion, and decision-making in both healthy and clinical populations. Using self-report, behavioural, psycho- and neurophysiological data, I investigate how various facets of social cognition relate to each other, and evaluate experimental methods used to measure social cognition. In addition to traditional statistical approaches, my research utilises alternative person- and data-centred analytical techniques (e.g., latent class analysis, cluster analysis).

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