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Pokročilé nano a mikrotechnologie Pokročilé materiály Strukturní biologie Gen. a prot. rostlin. systémů Molekulární medicína Výzkum mozku a lidské mysli Molekulární vet. medicína

Konstantinos Tripsianes, Ph.D.

vedoucí pracoviště
Konstantinos Tripsianes, Ph.D.
Telefon: +420 54949 6607
Výzkumná skupina: Interakce proteiny-DNA - Konstantinos Tripsianes
Researcher ID


  • DAWIDOWSKI, M; EMMANOUILIDIS, L; KALEL, V C; TRIPSIANES, K; SCHORPP, K; HADIAN, K; KAISER, M; MÄSER, P; KOLONKO, M; TANGHE, S; RODRIGUEZ, A; SCHLIEBS, W;. ERDMANN, R; SATTLER, M; POPOWICZ, G M, 2017:Inhibitors of PEX14 disrupt protein import into glycosomes and kill Trypanosoma parasites. SCIENCE 355 (6332), p. 1416 - 1420.
  • EMMANOUILIDIS, L; SCHUTZ, U; TRIPSIANES, K; MADL, T; RADKE, J; RUCKTASCHEL, R; WILMANNS, M; SCHLIEBS, W; ERDMANN, R; SATTLER, M, 2017:Allosteric modulation of peroxisomal membrane protein recognition by farnesylation of the peroxisomal import receptor PEX19. Nature communications 8 (13)
  • PEKARIK, V; PESKOVA, M; GURAN, R; NOVACEK, J; HEGER, Z; TRIPSIANES, K; KUMAR, J; ADAM, V, 2017:Visualization of stable ferritin complexes with palladium, rhodium and iridium nanoparticles detected by their catalytic activity in native polyacrylamide gels. DALTON TRANSACTIONS 46 (40), p. 13690 - 13694.
  • SUPEKAR, S; PAPAGEORGIOU, AC; GEMMECKER, G; PELTZER, R; JOHANSSON, MP; TRIPSIANES, K; SATTLER, M;KAILA VRK, 2017:Conformational Selection of Dimethylarginine Recognition by the Survival of Motor Neuron Tudor Domain. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE


  • CAMARGO, DCR; TRIPSIANES, K; KAPP, TG; MENDES, J; SCHUBERT, J; CORDES, B; REIF, B, 2015:Cloning, expression and purification of the human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (hIAPP) from Escherichia coli. PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION 106 , p. 49 - 56.


  • TRIPSIANES, K; FRIBERG, A; BARRANDON, C; BROOKS, M; VAN TILBEURGH, H; SERAPHIN, B; SATTLER, M, 2014:A Novel Protein-Protein Interaction in the RES (REtention and Splicing) Complex. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 289 (41), p. 28640 - 28650.
  • TRIPSIANES, K; CHU, NK; FRIBERG, A; SATTLER, M; BECKER, CFW, 2014:Studying Weak and Dynamic Interactions of Posttranslationally Modified Proteins using Expressed Protein Ligation. ACS CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 9 (2), p. 347 - 352.
  • ZHANG, ZY; PORTER, J; TRIPSIANES, K; LANGE, OF, 2014:Robust and highly accurate automatic NOESY assignment and structure determination with Rosetta. JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR NMR 59 (3), p. 135 - 145.


  • TRIPSIANES, K; MADL, T; MACHYNA, M; FESSAS, D; ENGLBRECHT, C; FISCHER, U; NEUGEBAUER, KM; SATTLER, M, 2011:Structural basis for dimethylarginine recognition by the Tudor domains of human SMN and SPF30 proteins. NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 18 (12), p. 1414 - U136.
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