Změnit instituci
Pokročilé nano a mikrotechnologie Pokročilé materiály Strukturní biologie Gen. a prot. rostlin. systémů Molekulární medicína Výzkum mozku a lidské mysli Molekulární vet. medicína

Transmission electron microscope 300 kV

Name: Transmission electron microscope 300 kV
Instrument: Transmission electron microscope 300 kV
Materials: Quantifoil Cu 300-mesh R2/1, Quantifoil Cu 200-mesh R2/1, Quantifoil Au 200-mesh R2/1, C-flat Cu 200-mesh R2/1, C-flat Cu 400-mesh R2/1, Krios autogrid
Location: CEITEC Masarykova univerzita
Instrument description: Transmission electron microscope (TEM) operating at 80-300 kV that is equipped with a direct detector (Falcon II). This microscope allows automated data acquisition of purified proteins and their complexes to the highest possible resolutions (~3A} nowadays. Additionally, the microscope is also equipped with a Gatan energy filter with a 4k CCD camera, which allows elimination of inelastically scattered electrons. The microscope is therefore suitable for cryo-electron tomography of pleiomorfic protein complexes and cellular compartments. Data collection is fully automated by programs EPU (single particle analysis) and Tomo (tilt series).
Research group: CF: Core Facility Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Tomography
Transmission electron microscope 300 kV

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00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 24:00

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