Změnit instituci

Seminar: Functional interfaces of metal oxide nanoparticles

Seminar: Functional interfaces of metal oxide nanoparticles

Who: Oliver Diwald from Department of Materials Science and Physics, University of Salzburg
When: 04.04.2014 at 10,00
Where: Faculty of Chemistry, room P2, BUT

Abstract: Advances in the development of functional metal oxide particle systems for optical, electronic and photochemical applications rely on comprehensive characterization work which is based on a close connection between particle synthesis, materials’ characterization and physico-chemical in-depth experiments. We explored the effect of solid-solid interfaces inside pure and blended metal oxide nanoparticle systems [1] on the spectroscopic and photoelectronic ensemble properties using electron paramagnetic resonance, FT-IR and other optical spectroscopy techniques. Examples for firmly established structure-property relationships will be presented for particle networks of semiconducting oxides (TiO2, SnO2, ..) but also for insulating metal oxide materials like MgO nanocube powders.[2]

[1]        Siedl et al. J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 22967
[2]        Sternig et al. Nanoscale2012, 4, 7494.

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