Změnit instituci

Research Funding Academy

Research Funding Academy

WHEN: 21–23 November 2017
WHERE: INBIT meeting room, University Campus Bohunice

Research Funding Academy is a three-day workshop devoted to international research projects. The workshop will include presentations of successful H2020 projects at MU, lectures on US grants and a seminar on financial reporting in H2020 projects (in Czech). The programme of the event is presented below. The Detailed programme will be available soon.

21st  November 9:00 -15:30 – Days of H2020 at MU
MU project leaders will share their experience on how to enter or assemble consortia and what is the role of coordinator and partners in proposal preparation and project implementation.

22nd November 9:00 – 15:00 – NIH for institutions outside of USA
Talks on grant opportunities under NIH and what is the NIH looking for in non-US participants by Robert Porter, Grant-Winners Seminars and Olaf Svenningsen, University of Southern Denmark.

23rd November 10:00-13:00 – Financial reporting in H2020 projects
A hands-on seminar on good practice and experience in financial reporting of H2020 projects provided by TC AV ČR (only in Czech).

Detailed program of the workshop is available HERE.



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