Změnit instituci

qPCR cycler CFX96

Name: qPCR cycler CFX96
Instrument description: A cycler for quantitative real-time PCR from Bio-Rad. You can obtain low-profile 96 well plates at core facility. The instrument is available for researches after training. Properties of CFX 96 Light source: 6 LEDs in optics shuttle Detection: 6 photodiodes Excitation wavelenghts: 450–684 nm Emission wavelenghts: 515–730 nm Gradient range: 30–100°C, Maximum gradient span 24°C Software for gene expression analysis Precision melt software: Enables High Resolution Melt analysis, min. step for melt curve 0.2°C

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00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
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