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Protein Data Bank – services, API and related tools

Protein Data Bank – services, API and related tools

WHEN: March 9–10, 2017

WHERE: Biology Park, meeting room at 1st floor (next to Café Delux), Studentská 6, Brno

Participants are asked to bring their own laptops.



Thursday (March 9)

Speakers: Radka Svobodová, Lukáš Pravda (CEITEC, Laboratory of computational chemistry)

13:00–14:00 Biomacromolecular data, their validation and visualization
14:00–15:00  Detection and extraction of key data regions  
15:00–15:30  Coffee break
15:30–17:30  Practical session – biomacromolecular data processing


Friday (March 10)

Speaker: John Berrisford (EBI, Protein Data Bank Europe)

10:00–10:30 Introduction to PDB Europe
10:30–12:00 Exploring the PDB through PDBe services
12:00–13:30 Lunch
13:30–16:00 Practical session – accessing PDBe data through our APIs
16:00–16:30 Coffee break + discussion







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