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Practical Workshop on Cryo-electron Microscopy Data Analysis in Scipion

Practical Workshop on Cryo-electron Microscopy Data Analysis in Scipion

WHEN: January 25–26, 2018
WHERE: CEITEC masaryk University, University Campus, Brno


Two day workshop on cryo-electron microscopy data analysis in theory and practice. Lectures will present concepts of data analysis and pracitical aspects of single particle data analysis. The workshop will provide introduction to Scipion software package and will give participants the chance to obtain hand-on experience with set up of individual steps in single particle data analysis workflow.


  • Carlos Oscar Sorzano
  • Pablo Conesa
  • Jose Maria Carazo

Preliminary programme:

25th January

10:00-12:00 General introduction to single particle analysis (lecture)
13:00-14:00 Introduction to Scipion framework (practical)
14:00-15:00 Movie alignment, CTF estimation and screening, Particle (practical)
15:30-16:30 Classification of cryo-electron microscopy data (lecture)
16:30-18:00 2D classification in Scipion (practical)

26th January

9:00-10:00 3D volume reconstruction and refinement, resolution (lecture)
10:30-12:30 3D classification and refinement in Scipion (practical)
13:30-15:30 Cloud computing (lecture)


Registration is now closed, the capacity is full.


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