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Orthographic processing and procedural learning in adults with developmental dyslexia: the integrated use of fMRI and Eye tracking

Orthographic processing and procedural learning in adults with developmental dyslexia: the integrated use of fMRI and Eye tracking

Kateřina Lukášová
Federal University of ABC, Brasil



WHEN: 31st August 2017 from 14:00

WHERE: CEITEC MU, Building A35, Room 211 


The present project aims at studying the patter of eye movements (eye tracking) on-line with the neural activation imaging (functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI) in adults with Developmental dyslexia. The integrated use of fMRI and eye tracking allows correlate the pattern of sensorial processing and more complex cognitive behavior with neuro-functional pattern. Primary focus is on the network involved in orthographic processing of single words and pseudowords in different linguistic backgrounds. Secondary we are interested in predictive learning of procedural motor circuitry that is investigated through predictive saccades task. The preliminary data collected with healthy and dyslexic adults in Brazil will be presented and the possibilities of multilingual collaboration project will be also discussed.



Katerina Lukasova graduated in Psychology and obtained a Master degree of Developmental Disorders from Mackenzie University in São Paulo. She received her PhD in science from the Medical University of São Paulo (FMUSP) for a work entitled “Eye movements in children and adults: comparative study with integrated fMRI and Eye Tracking”. In 2013 initiated postdoctoral study on Developmental dyslexia in the same university. In 2017 became professor at Federal University of ABC, Brazil.

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