Změnit instituci

Nanobiotechnology Workshop

Nanobiotechnology Workshop

WHEN: December 9, 2015 from 09:00
WHERE: CEITEC MU, A35 Room 211

Become familiar with:

  • scanning probe microscopies for advanced imaging of single biomolecules and cells
  • affinity interactions at the molecular level
  • preparation, bioconjugation and application of nanoparticles
  • ink-jet technique for microchips 

Poster to download HERE.

Registration deadline: December 5th



Organized within the Open Access project LM2011020, funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under the activity „Projects of major infrastructures for research, development and innovations”

Wednesday,December 9th

08:15 Registration 
09:00 Petr SkládalIntroduction - Nanobiotechnology Core Facility at CEITEC
09:30 Jan Přibyl: Use of atomic force microscopy for mapping nanomechanical properties of live cells
10:30 Coffee break

Antonín Hlaváček: Nanoparticles for detection of biomolecules


Veronika Horňáková: Atomic force microscopic imaging of nucleic acids, biocomplexes, and nanoparticles

12:45 Lunch break
13:30 Guido Caluori: In vitro integrated systems for single cardiac muscle cells investigation
14:30 Martin Pešl: Cardiomyocyte force-frequency phenotype by atomic force microscopy
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Jaroslav Turánek:  Nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems for anticancer drugs and vaccines
16:30 Matěj Pastucha: Ink-jet based deposition and microarrays
17:00 Visit at the core facility laboratories (optional)


The registration has been closed. For additional registration, please contact

Registration deadline: December 5th

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