Změnit instituci

Mgr. Petr Sojka

PhD Student
Telefon: +420 54949 7469
Výzkumná skupina: Behaviorální a sociální neurovědy - Milan Brázdil

Bio: I studied for my BA (Psychology and Philosophy) and MA (Psychology) degrees at Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University. Currently I am a PhD student in Neuroscience at Faculty of Medicine (Masaryk University) and also work as a health-care psychologist at The Department of Clinical Psychology in University Hospital Brno.

Research Interests: I study interoception, i.e. ways how brain represents internal body states and gives rise to our bodily feelings and emotions. In my research I address a question whether dysfunctional cross talk between the body and brain can cause psychiatric illness and whether this cross talk can be modified by psychological tools such as hypnosis and biofeedback. For my PhD I investigate interoception and emotional regulation in patients with functional neurological (medically unexplained) symptoms combining multimodal measurements (MR imaging, electrophysiology, behavioral assessment). 

Bio: I studied for my BA (Psychology and Philosophy) and MA (Psychology) degrees at Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University. Currently I am a PhD student in Neuroscience at Faculty of Medicine (Masaryk University) and also work as a health-care psychologist at The Department of Clinical Psychology in University Hospital Brno.

Research Interests: I study interoception, i.e. ways how brain represents internal body states and gives rise to our bodily feelings and emotions. In my research I address a question whether dysfunctional cross talk between the body and brain can cause psychiatric illness and whether this cross talk can be modified by psychological tools such as hypnosis and biofeedback. For my PhD I investigate interoception and emotional regulation in patients with functional neurological (medically unexplained) symptoms combining multimodal measurements (MR imaging, electrophysiology, behavioral assessment). 

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