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Meeting with Michal Kostka (BioVendor)

Meeting with Michal Kostka (BioVendor)

SPEAKER: Michal Kostka, Deputy CEO of BioVendor, one of the key player in Biotechnology in South Moravian region

WHEN: Friday, May 27 at 11:00

WHERE: Seminar room 211, building A35, University Campus Bohunice

Progam: Chaired by Markus Dettenhofer, CEITEC Director

  • Presentation of BioVendor expertise including new development areas
  • “My way from Academia to Industry” talk given by Michal Kostka
  • Ideal profile of a candidate for job in BioVendor
  • Free Lunch

Capacity is limited!
REGISTRATION has been closed.

For additional registration please contact

Funded under FP7, The ERA Chair Culture as a Catalyst to Maximize the Potential of CEITEC (contract no. 621368)


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