Změnit instituci

Medical travel insurance

Information on travel medical insurance are available on the general website of Masaryk University:

For information on medical aid and contacts of doctors, hospitals and pharmacy see the section Medical Aid.

Insurance card & ID card or Passport

It is obligatory for all citizens and people present in the Czech Republic (i. e. also for you, exchange students) to have your insurance cards and ID cards or passports always with you. Please carry it at all times, as you might be checked by members of the Police or the Police Office for Foreigners.

Registration at the General Insurance Company

Students from EU countries (+ Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland)

Visit the VZP (Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna - General Health Insurance Company) to register. It is a very easy procedure and simplifies appointments and covering costs by doctors. Using your blue European health insurance card, please go to register at the General Health Insurance Company in Brno. You will then be given your personal health insurance number you should show to doctors or in hospitals.

Students from non-EU countries

Due to a change in the act of law, it is obligatory for all foreigners (staying more than 90 days in the Czech Republic), to have arranged a health insurance which complies with the Czech law requirements. See more details HERE.

You will be asked to submit an insurance contract and a confirmation of payment before the visa sticker/stamp is added to your passport.

Students from Turkey, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Japan, Cuba, USA do not need to have that type of travel health insurance.

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