Změnit instituci

Life Sciences Seminar Series: "Structural Virology: Beauty of the Beast"

Life Sciences Seminar Series: "Structural Virology: Beauty of the Beast"

You are cordially invited to the lecture: "Structural Virology: Beauty of the Beast" delivered by Pavel Plevka and Markus Dettenhofer, CEITEC, Brno, Czech Republic

WHEN: March 26, 2015 from 15:00
WHERE: Seminar room 114, pavilion A11 University campus Bohunice, Brno 


Viruses  are  the  smallest  self-­‐replicating  organisms.  Even  though  individually  viruses  are  rather  simple,  as  a  group  they  are exceptionally diverse in both replication strategies and structures. Many  viruses  are  important  human  pathogens.  We  use  X-­‐ray  crystallography,  cryo-­‐electron  microscopy,  and  molecular  biology to  study  the  life  cycle  of  human  viruses.  We  investigate  macromolecular  interactions  associated  with  virus  cell  entry, genome replication, assembly, and maturation. Viruses are simple enough  that  we  can  aspire  to  understand  their  biology  at  a  molecular level. Our efforts are directed towards using structural information  for  the  development  of  treatments  for  human  and  animal diseases


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