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Life Sciences Seminar Series - Serge Vulliemoz

Life Sciences Seminar Series - Serge Vulliemoz

WHEN: October 15, 2015, from 16:00
WHERE: Seminar room 132, pavilion A11, University Campus Bohunice, Brno


Epilepsy is a frequent chronic condition characterized by the dysfunction of neural networks during seizures but also between seizures, causing cognitive and psychiatric impairments. Noninvasive functional brain imaging now allows a precise mapping of the areas involved in the generation of pathological activity, beyond the traditional recording on the electroencephalogram. Notably, electrical source imaging and simultaneous EEG and functional MRI have proven accurate to localize epileptic activity providingimportant insights into the mechanisms of epilepsy. This novel approach is of important clinical relevance for patients who are candidates for epilepsy surgery.
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