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Lectures: Advanced Fluorescent Microscopy Techniques: I believe what I see

Lectures: Advanced Fluorescent Microscopy Techniques: I believe what I see

You are cordially invited to the upcoming lectures and workshop organized by Life B - Laboratory of interaction and function of essential biomolecules. The workshop will be dedicated to modern microscopic techniques used for the study of biomolecular interactions and functions. The program will consist of one day of lectures given by outstanding and internationally recognized speakers.

The lectures are open to broad audience. The lecture day is followed by four day practical workshop that will be focused on training of students that will use the sophisticated microscopic approaches in their research.

WHEN: Monday, February 16, 2015
WHERE: Mendel Museum, Augustinian Abbey, Mendlovo nám. 1a, Brno

Confirmed lectures:

  • Jörg Langowski 

Biophysics of Macromolecules
University of Heidelberg

  • Katalin Tóth

German Cancer Research Insitutute
Biophysics of Macromolecules, Heidelberg

  • Oleksandr Chernyavskiy

Department of Biomathematics
Institute of Physiology , Prague

  • Jens Schmidt

Cech Laboratory, Biofrontiers Institute,
Colorado University, Boulder

  • Xiaoyu Li

Olympus, Germany

  • Uroš Kržic or Pavel Kris

Zeiss, Germany, Czech Republic

Please register here:

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