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Lecture given by Prof. Michael Filler: Surface Chemical Choreography of Semiconductor Nanowire Synthesis

Lecture given by Prof. Michael Filler: Surface Chemical Choreography of Semiconductor Nanowire Synthesis

WHEN: Thursday the 8th of October, 2015, 2:00 pm (14:00)
WHERE: Room P4, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Technická 2, Brno

Speaker: Prof. Michael Filler from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA

Semiconductor nanowires are emerging as indispensable nanoscale building blocks for next generation energy conversion, electronic, and photonic devices. The bottom-up vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism – whereby a liquid eutectic “catalyst” droplet collects precursor molecules (or atoms) from the vapor and directs crystallization of the solid nanowire – is a nearly ubiquitous method for nanowire synthesis. The ability to control morphology, composition, and crystal phase along the nanowire length is a key benefi t of VLS growth. However, except for a small number of cases, the mechanistic understanding of this process remains insuffi  cient to rationally and precisely program nanowire structure and function. To this end, we combine in situ infrared spectroscopy and electron microscopy to fundamentally probe the heterointerfacial chemical processes that choreograph growth. Our studies of Si and Ge nanowires reveal the dramatic infl uence of various species adsorbed on the sidewall. We fi nd, for example, that changes to hydrogen atom coverage can modify catalyst phase and nanowire crystal orientation. These insights are leveraged to design precursors with which to engineer a range of structures, including defect, kinking, doping, and diameter-modulated superstructures.

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