Změnit instituci

Introductory workshop of Research infrastructure CEITEC Nano

Introductory workshop of Research infrastructure CEITEC Nano

WHEN: March 5, 2015, 14:00-16:00
WHERE: room P1, building A2, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno VUT

The event will be held in Czech.


CF Heads, core facilities operators and staff – David Škoda, Ondřej Man, Dalibor Šulc, Marek Eliáš, Martin Buršík, Alois Nebojsa, Pavla Roupcová, Kateřina Švidrnochová, Pavlína Zajícová.


  • Presentation of research infrastructure – what we are, what we do, what we offer
  • Presentation of technologies and equipment – link with research, collaboration with research groups, application outcomes
  • Access to research infrastructure – rules, collaboration, projects
  • Activities of research infrastructure – trainings, workshops, services
  • Discussion – ideas, comments

Event will be held in Czech.

Main contact:


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