Změnit instituci

International Plant and Algal Phenomics Meeting 2015

WHEN: June 27 - 30, 2015
WHERE: Hotel Duo Prague, Teplicka 492, CZ 19000 Prague 9

IPAP will feature a host of keynote speakers from around the world, all of whom bring unique perspectives to the expanding science of plant and algal phenotyping.

Topics include:

  • Phenotyping and gene localisation: Can we make this work?
  • Engineering plants and algae for improved photosynthetic performance
  • Quantitative Plant Phenotyping from the Gene to the Field: Scientific challenges beyond sensors and higher throughput
  • Measuring photosynthesis in the complex 3D environment of crop canopies
  • Tools and techniques for phenotyping plants: Soil interactions – Root phenotyping

IPAP2015 meeting will be held at the Hotel Duo Prague, a modern hotel just 12 minutes from the Old City of Prague by Metro. Hotel Duo is located opposite the Strizkov metro station (line C).

More info at:

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