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Internal workshop: Protection and Commercialization of Scientific Outcomes at MU

Internal workshop: Protection and Commercialization of Scientific Outcomes at MU
Technology Transfer Office and CEITEC MU invite you to the internal CEITEC MU workshop Protection and Commercialization of Scientific Outcomes at MU.
WHEN: 20th May 2015, 15:00 p.m.
WHERE: University campus Bohunice, building A35, meeting room 211
Registration HERE. (by 13th May 2015)


15:00 – 15:30 Patenting of scientific outcomes at MU
                     Markéta Vlasáková, Intellectual Property Manager, TTO MU
15:30 – 15:50 Case studies and good practice examples of commercialization of scientific                           outcomes at MU
                     Pavel Indruch, Manager of the Commercialization, TTO MU
15:50 – 16:00 Process and conditions of establishing a spin-off company and other forms of                         commercialization
                     Pavel Koukal a Pavel Loutocký, Lawyers, TTO MU
16:00 – 16:20 Discussion

For further information please contact:

Pavel Koukal (TTO MU) 
Phone: +420 549 494 171 
Zlatuše Novotná (CEITEC MU)
Phone: +420 549 493 906
Please register by 18th May 2015 at:
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