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Internal CEITEC Spring Workshop

Internal CEITEC Spring Workshop

WHEN: April 28, 2015
WHEN: Brno Observatory and Planetarium, Kraví hora 2, 616 00 Brno



17:00 - 17:30    Registration

17:30 - 18:30  

  • What´s new in CEITEC
  • CEITEC Core Facility (7x200 seconds)
  • Mary O´Connell (CEITEC) - „How does the body distinguish ‚self‘ from‚ non-self?“

18:30 - 19:00    Coffee break

19:00 - 20:00

  • Kareem Elsayad, (
    The CSF 
    Advanced Microscopy Facility)
    „Advanced Optical Microscopy: State of the art and future directions“
  • Vinod Subramaniam(FOM Institute AMOLF)
      - „Amyloid at the nanoscale“

20:00 - 22:00    Informational networking and music

21:00 - 21:30    Dark Universe
                       (Special Digitarium projection)



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