Změnit instituci

Ing. Vojtěch Uhlíř, Ph.D.

Junior researcher
Email: ,
Telefon: +420 54114 9220
Výzkumná skupina: Příprava a charakterizace nanostruktur - Tomáš Šikola
Nanomagnetismus a spintronika - Vojtěch Uhlíř
Researcher ID


  • UHLIR, V; ARREGI, JA; FULLERTON, EE, 2016:Colossal magnetic phase transition asymmetry in mesoscale FeRh stripes. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 7


  • URBANEK, M; UHLIR, V; LAMBERT, CH; KAN, JJ; EIBAGI, N; VANATKA, M; FLAJSMAN, L; KALOUSEK, R; IM, MY; FISCHER, P; SIKOLA, T; FULLERTON, EE, 2015:Dynamics and efficiency of magnetic vortex circulation reversal. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91 (9)


  • UHLIR, V; URBANEK, M; HLADIK, L; SPOUSTA, J; IM, MY; FISCHER, P; EIBAGI, N; KAN, JJ; FULLERTON, EE; SIKOLA, T, 2013:Dynamic switching of the spin circulation in tapered magnetic nanodisks. NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY 8 (5), p. 341 - 346.


  • ROUGEMAILLE, N; UHLIR, V; FRUCHART, O; PIZZINI, S; VOGEL, J; TOUSSAINT, JC, 2012:Phase diagram of magnetic domain walls in spin valve nano-stripes. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 100 (17), p. 17240 - .
  • UHLIR, V; VOGEL, J; ROUGEMAILLE, N; FRUCHART, O; ISHAQUE, Z; CROS, V; CAMARERO, J; CEZAR, JC; SIROTTI, F; PIZZINI, S, 2012:Current-induced domain wall motion and magnetization dynamics in CoFeB/Cu/Co nanostripes. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 24 (2)


  • UHLIR, V; PIZZINI, S; ROUGEMAILLE, N; CROS, V; JIMENEZ, E; RANNO, L; FRUCHART, O; URBANEK, M; GAUDIN, G; CAMARERO, J; TIEG, C; SIROTTI, F; WAGNER, E; VOGEL, J, 2011:Direct observation of Oersted-field-induced magnetization dynamics in magnetic nanostripes. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83 (2)


  • URBANEK, M; UHLIR, V; BABOR, P; KOLIBALOVA, E; HRNCIR, T; SPOUSTA, J; SIKOLA, T, 2010:Focused ion beam fabrication of spintronic nanostructures: an optimization of the milling process. NANOTECHNOLOGY 21 (14)
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně - CEITEC VUT Purkyňova 123, Brno, 612 00, budova C, kancelář C2.05
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