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How to write a successful ERC proposal

How to write a successful ERC proposal

WHEN: 7 October, 2015
WHERE: MU Rectorate, (4th floor), Žerotínovo nám. 9, Brno

Please register HERE.


Large meeting room (4th floor)

8:30 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 9:15 Opening - Petr Dvořák, Vice-rector for research
9:15 - 9:40

ERC Grant holder success story


Pavel Plevka - Structural Virology Research Group Leader
9:40 - 12:00

How to write a successful ERC proposal


Gavin Thomson, HELIX Advisory Services

Small meeting room (4th floor)

13:00 - 16:00
Individual consultations of the ERC proposals
Gavin Thomson, HELIX Advisory Services
The consultations are open for researchers who are currently working on their ERC proposals that will be submitted in the following calls (ERC Starting Grant deadline: 17th November 2015; ERC Consolidator Grant deadline: 2nd February 2016). We expect that they will register for the event and send a draft of part B1 of their ERC proposals by 4th October to They will be informed in advance about the consultations’ schedule.
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