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Pokročilé nano a mikrotechnologie Pokročilé materiály Strukturní biologie Gen. a prot. rostlin. systémů Molekulární medicína Výzkum mozku a lidské mysli Molekulární vet. medicína


27. 10. 2014

CEITEC Annual Conference

CEITEC Annual Conference

Ve dnech 21. - 24.10. proběhla první CEITEC Annual Conference na téma Frontiers in Material and Life Sciences. Prohlédněte si níže fotky z přednášek keynote speakerů Jacka Johnsona a Jochena Feldmana. Fotografie z doprovodné Poster Session and Competition najdete na odkazu zde.

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27. 10. 2014

CEITEC Annual Conference: Poster session and competition

CEITEC Annual Conference: Poster session and competition

Ve dnech 21. - 24.10. proběhla první CEITEC Annual Conference na téma Frontiers in Material and Life Sciences, v rámci které se uskutečnila soutěž o nejlepší vědecký poster. Prohlédněte si níže fotky z průběhu i vyhlášení vítězů, více informací o oceněných posterech najdete zde.

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3. 10. 2014

CEITEC Masaryk University Ceremonial Opening

CEITEC Masaryk University Ceremonial Opening

Budovy CEITEC MU slavnostně otevřel 12. září premiér Bohuslav Sobotka. Pokud se chcete nadechnout slavnostní atmosféry nebo se jen podívat, jak to tam vlastně vypadá, prohlédněte si tuto fotogalerii.

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2. 10. 2014

Frontiers in CryoEM

Frontiers in CryoEM

On September 5th, installation of the Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Tomography facility in the new building of CEITEC was completed and opened to full operations. At this occasion, a one-day symposium on Frontiers in Cryo-Electron Microscopy was held in the Bohunice campus of Masaryk University.

To download the photos please scroll down.

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18. 6. 2014

Night of Better coopEration in sciEntific Research

Night of Better coopEration in sciEntific Research

Science slideshows, informal networking, discussion and also fun...this was the eighth Night of Better coopEration in sciEntific Research. Thanks to all idea-makers and attendees!

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2. 6. 2014

EMBO Young Scientists Forum

EMBO Young Scientists Forum

The EMBO Young Scientists Forum organized by CEITEC research group leaders Dr. Štěpánka Vaňáčová (RNA Quality Control research group) and Dr. Richard Štefl (Structural Biology of Gene Regulation research group) was held at the University Campus Bohunice on May 29-30, 2014. The meeting provided the opportunity to our PhD students and post docs to interact with European most promising young scientists, members of the EMBO Young Investigator Programme, and motivate them to pursue their career and education in the life sciences.

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22. 5. 2014

Integrated Approaches to Structural Biology

Integrated Approaches to Structural Biology

On May 15, the conference on “Integrated Approaches to Structural Biology” was held in Augustinian Abbey in Brno.
We would like to express our thanks to all invited speakers for their talks and to all attendees for their participation.

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5. 4. 2014

3rd International Congres on Epilepsy, Brain and Mind

3rd International Congres on Epilepsy, Brain and Mind

3rd International Congress on Epilepsy, Brain and Mind was held in Brno, Czech Republic on April 3–5, 2014, under the auspices of the Czech Chapter of the International League Against Epilepsy and Chapters of ILAE from Albania, Austria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.


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5. 3. 2014

British Minister of State for Trade and Investment, Lord Livingston, Visits CEITEC

British Minister of State for Trade and Investment, Lord Livingston, Visits CEITEC

As a part of a business mission to Central Europe, the British Minister of State for Trade and Investment, Lord Livingston, visited the CEITEC MU laboratories with the most powerful nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer in Central and Eastern Europe. 

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