Změnit instituci



WHEN: 12–13th May 2016
WHERE: CeMM, Vienna, Austria

This third EU-LIFE scientific workshop aims to bring together basic scientists and clinicians/translational researchers from EU-LIFE institutes (and collaborators) to explore and discuss inflammation and immunity in health and disease. We aim to foster a discussion on how to strengthen the interaction of basic and translational scientists with clinicians to translate research findings to diagnostic and therapeutic applications. The workshop will also be an opportunity to forge new scientific collaborations within EU-LIFE and found the basis for future joint activities and projects.


Each EU-LIFE institute has invited a “tandem of speakers”, often one being a basic researcher and the second a clinical/translational researcher.

The constellation of these “tandems” may vary:

  • one or both speakers may work at the EU-LIFE center or partnering institute/university/hospital/company, and ideally they are engaged in a cooperative project;
  • the basic researcher and the clinical/translational scientist do not have an ongoing cooperation but their work is relevant to each other.

Each tandem of speakers will have 30-minutes to present their work jointly and highlight opportunities and challenges of their collaboration. The presentation will be followed by a 10-minute discussion. Within the slot, enough time should be left for discussion. 

The meeting will also include the opportunity to present their work for junior researchers. Each EU-LIFE institute will invite up to four PhDs students or postdocs to submit an abstract. To ensure maximum visibility of these presentations, we will select 12 of these abstracts for short presentations at the meeting (4 min speed talk + 1 min discussion). Fpresent their projects as poster (joint posters are also possible). Based on the submitted abstracts, 6 poster will be selected for a “Flash poster presentation” to give a maximum 3-minute (2 slide) highlight of their poster.

Abstract deadline: 

March 15, 2016


We kindly ask ALL participants, included invited speakers, to register in the links above. Please note we have special deals with hotels – more info in the programme attached.

Programme and abstracts to download HERE

Call for abstracts

The meeting also includes the opportunity for PhD students and postdoc researchers to present their work:

Each EU-LIFE institute has invited a “tandem of speakers”, often one being a basic researcher and the second a clinical/translational researcher – see programme attached.

Each EU-LIFE institute will invite up to four PhDs students or postdocs to submit an abstract to their projects as poster (joint posters are also possible).

To ensure maximum visibility of these presentations, we will select 12 of these abstracts for short presentations at the meeting (4 min speed talk + 1 min discussion).

Based on the submitted abstracts, 6 poster will be selected for a “Flash poster presentation” to give a maximum 3-minute (2 slide) highlight of their poster.

This is an opportunity to share your research and widen your network.

If you are interested in participating, please contact your institute representative before submitting the full registration: CEITEC - Monika Sieberová



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