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EMBO Conference - Signalling in plant development

EMBO Conference - Signalling in plant development

WHEN: September 20 - 24, 2015

Register please HERE.
Registration deadline is 30 June 2015.

The EMBO Conference “Signalling in plant development” is the 2nd conference in the recent series of EMBO Plant Molecular Biology conferences, complementing the 1st conference “The Interdisciplinary Plant Development”organized in Sep 2014 in Cambridge. The conference will take place in Brno, Czech Republic, the place where the basic rules of heredity were layed down by Johan Gregor Mendel in 1865.

The conference topics will include:

  • Structural aspects of signal transduction
  • Intercellular signaling
  • External signals
  • Signaling networks
  • Post-transcriptional regulations of signaling events
  • Evolution and variations

For more information look at:


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