Změnit instituci

Educational Course: NeuroImaging - Mapping the function and structure of brain

Educational Course: NeuroImaging - Mapping the function and structure of brain

WHEN: November 14-16, 2017
WHERE: CF MAFIL, CEITEC MU, University Campus Bohunice, Brno

Educational course will be organized in three days (14.11. - 16.11.). First day will be dedicated to basic principles of MRI, principles of fMRI and DTI. Second day will cover advanced topics in fMRI (advanced connectivity, dealing with noise and artifacts, acquisition parameters, etc.), morphometry, animal MRI/fMRI, and non-invasive brain stimulation. Third day will be dedicated to electrophysiological methods (including simultaneous EEG-fMRI and non-invasive brain stimulation),  practical session in MRI labs, and practical session focused on data processing.

The lunch will be prepared for registered participants free of charge in Campea restaurant.

Detailed programme is HERE.

Overal Schedule is HERE

Information about event venue and accomodation possibilities is HERE.

The registration is closed. For more information, contact Michal Mikl.



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