Změnit instituci

Differential Scanning Calorimetry Workshop

Differential Scanning Calorimetry Workshop

WHEN: 3–4 October 2017
WHERE: Core Facility Biomolecular Interaction and Crystalization, CEITEC MU, University Campus Bohunice

What is Differential Scanning Calorimetry?

Differential scanning calorimetry is the gold standard for determination of heat changes in the sample occuring during a controlled increas or decrease of temerature

Determination of:

  • Melting temperature (up to 130°C)
  • Enthalpy - ΔH
  • Heat capacity - Cp

Special guest:

Peter Gimeson (Malvern Instruments)

Detailed Programme is HERE.

Measurements during workshop will be done using VP-DSC and new PEAQ-DSC New Malvern instruments OMNISEC and VISCOSIZER will be also presented.

Registration form is HERE.

For more information please contact us at


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